Bertrude pyre trial#
In a narrative example, to finish Sandra's storyline and take her orb with you, you are generally supposed to do every character's trial with her and talk with her each time.If you're losing a Rite, you can freely choose to restart with no penalty.In your Rousing Speech in the final act, you can offer your own interpretation of this as a sign that the Scribes are watching and the world is changing. The Voice says this is because Oralech and the True Nightwings are desecrating the Rites. The Book of Rites predicts that the Rites will end soon after a Rite is conducted on the Isle of Khaylmer, if that ever happens, but doesn't say why. Firstly, the Titan Stars are devouring the stars.

Aborted Arc: Since any sufficiently strong character can be permanently ascended from the Downside, if they are anointed and their side wins the Liberation Rite, regardless of where they are in story arcs or telling you their background, any number of arcs can become this.