This outfit can be purchased in the Customization menu. Consists of tight, blue, skeletal armor covering Yoshimitsu's entire body, the face has glowing red eyes and blue catfish whiskers, yellow 'veins' covering the torso, arms, and legs, an elaborate white outside and yellow inside waist robe around his hips, a red obi wrapped around the waist robe with a chokutō tucked into the ribbon in the front, and a large elaborate banner-like cloth hangs from his left arm. DR variant is a purple (Kote/Cape and belt) and black (All metallic parts) recolor. He wields a katana with a dark brown tsuka and three shakujō rings attached to the tip. T5 2P: Consists of a gaki mask with glowing red eyes covered by a red shroud that drapes down his back and is covered in Japanese writing, a large tan sandogasa with the kanji "宇", which means universe, written on top of it and with three small scrolls with the kanji "色即是空", which means shikisokuzeku, written on them, armor on his chest, arms, and legs, a brown shirt and dark brown hakama, silver skulls on his knees, whose jaws close with Yoshimitsu's leg movements, and sandals. DR variant is a *red-orange* (Armor) and white (Arms) recolor (In Tekken 5, red-orange is unavailable.) He wields a katana with a glowing green blade and a dark brown tsuka. T5 1P: Consists of a three red eyed, skull-like mask with a futuristic green visor surrounded by extraterrestial-like yellow armor plating with three armored tentacles attached to the back, yellow armor over his torso, arms, and legs, large yellow and green sodes, red underclothes, and brown hakama.